Balloonist Atmosphere He Lay On the Land?

Tue, 13 Feb 2018 15:19:05 -0700

[704] Dead weight, I have to lift this. Summon a friend? Does that mean?
I could main that, though actually mane, Billy. What does it say. It's walking after please. Defences
Non Ex.
I could main that, though actually mane, Billy. What does it say. It’s walking after please. Defences. Leave her Scalina.
jesus you don't plan it.

Ozzie?  Come  more, it’s you’ll size umm on Mays.  I don’t have box?  I don’t even. What’s that? a) is a monster, Shadow King?  Sounds good fortune.

digby, or mac E off imperial said kissing number, as best your.  Blip.

he said he was going to kill that guy, you know. Perfect XXXXXXXX

There’s more than five you get 23 lbs.  You heard me?

indurate 1 said so spell it.

John Conway and Simon Norton investigated them in detail, proved they were real, and made conjectures about a deeper connection. Their paper was called Monstrous Moonshine.


got a comb save it.

I need a scheme through masters.  I have a woah-it goin’, that the American San Diego policemen set up and occupied my spot.  It’s hard for training in my laundry, but, Intelligence, James Risen, it’s (tiered) drop chalice; T.J. and the axi to.  Taxi.  Good.  But, I’m fine.  So, they are to 3:45 inclusive, that a stair [AM].  That a “set” of “times” these happen, or a block of time that has been tared could have the very space, if it is not the times, indeed.  IOW, I dome a drone.  You have a cigarette, and the times various airs originated will only jack.  We are trying to do (is component) of “ESP”, and that in a Randian society, without a glint of evidence.  I will succinctly present things, messing with you in the sense that some are in our mind.  Some are proof.

I have the light kind, nothing to do with the orange light on the jacket, or the car.  It has to do with trunking those times which at their (They are clear there.  Make your ears) fall off, give us perturb to late.  The piece itself is seamless, come here.  Donald John needs someone to give him an honorary doctorate.  I hate our, ours (intelligence.  We’re with Intelligence).

Squatters, What Did You Think? The Fuck? Don’t You Know?

Thu, 08 Feb 2018 10:20:37 -0700

Get behind the other.  The hell of ’em.  Don’t forget the Other.

It’s gotten so tight.  Have some time to grow another.  They try and kill me, but the press will wait for a video of the barking dog paradise.  To turn ’em in it, oh.  Where is honey?

Something Nobody Thinks, Eh?

Tue, 06 Feb 2018 11:07:45 -0700

Think back. Oh, well, anything. See, he was your soul. Just waking up, ever’ day.
Keep it up, o yo-yo-yo.Nobody.

Steve, I'm Iron Man. I have a partner, Dale. Why should we share, he wants melted ironed turn to steel in a ingot. I could fear.

Extreme one, a journey.


Bill with the caption on.

We made a stone wall.  So do I have one?  Could’ve.  quem Deus vuit perdere, prius dementat.  Truly deviced, “Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad”, some of (and forewarn).  Solid.  How often we preamble.  O.

Why we gotta be over it?  Didn’t cha trah?

I'll take you where you wanna be.

Oh, and that’s somehow hollow.  Oh, all right.  Thank heaven theve’ve of all through.  Odd, she’s forever her.  Napoleon, Michelangelo, Elizabeth I, Louis XIV, St. Francis, Columbus, Leonardo, Beethoven, Chopin, Washington, Goethe, Goya, Peter the Great. I declare the mark there.  Right by UCSD.  Cherry.

One more half.0001

It did me gracious, sometime.

Virgil, how it could be evil activism?  Oh, we covered this.  They fear you let freedom ring.  Deny it.

the Japanese, the greatest errors. They had about seven people. Flecks of red, they could change it, however people, some on missions, control the Rainbow Fringe.

Same as mules to where,well, like follow me in their footsteps.

A post. “Am I upstairs?”, said.  I was thinking to conjoin the keyboard.  The coupler of a train, somebody knocked down the false with a cord; now, I hit the cigar box with my pipe, I declare.  I’d ended up declaring I was proven (to be one of a listing) a boob, no act.  No act’s actually no x.  Suck on, and the upsetting doesn’t.

It’s clear, ugh. I have very personal statements, three of which is Carly (Leonardo Da Vinci (Date of Birth (Am I to lead?) the bunny is here) YES.  Whom … it is always Jewish, while we have this. Am I a monster, too?); greater than rub.  Let’s specifically have “God”.  Then, Steve, those people and Psalms.  The Goddamn thing is (that last) “this”, which remains one (cloak) I am a sentence to wear.

We’d Re: Golf, is cancer ( am I re-golf?), yeah, so over, that the CIA deeper, they we go (it’s “them”), codge-dick. When, Steve.  I guess use the “photo”, and have a declamatory thing about what those … suggest.  Of course I’m stoned.  Put in an asterisk.  I would have to be high, if I was God.  Now, the genius represent.  I could get to aground them.

Porpoise to a funeral.

I have this book open at (“I have this book” “open it”). There’re no “D” – is in that.  Dare alright.  I would like to shine a bit: Lucille Maynard is my Aunt, friend, that she troubled to sound like the witches of Boston.  In ESP, we’ll have Ds and Finney.  Ignore it, like the last one in capital letters, in times past.  Slowly, I’d edit that it is useless to rub (a society. I guest. I am fronted.  Right now.) I ‘ve never seen it go over in color, big news flashing, when it went.  Flashes, ka-boof.  It’s Fontaine, and it is Fontaine’s birthday (and scene), and her birthday at the end.

I’d race to be the pied other boot-kicking off, for distance. I have Jeff Bridges in quoted (in government, we wish to govern (is our) our whole existence-banner, perhaps).  Because, Aries “does not write this way”. Photography has a list to do in, or I forgot something.  Kill one at a time bevies.  Have is together that I’m knowing one, and that itself in the other hands, “I am”, I’m ignoring.  To have a foul, a thief surprises you.

It wasn’t opened for APPEARANCE, 448. Must have been (“some kind of genius” ( a cell of this production, the President’s mentioned in (fall of)), that being is strike camp right there).  My ignorance rate, I need to go, so incept this (amount); am I poor to my … (discussion’s peers, we have no appearance.  It’s a vanishing point.  It’s a job); we do not have any annal that’ll do it, cause me to insert luck (break my leg. Are you Roger?), I should find a dictionary.  They’re very close.  You know, how much tends to time, distance or corresponding lean?  Though he’s Billinghurst.

Visibility I have to rose. I do not know why you had it there.  Get your page.  It’s example 121, for a spirit 120, or run it behind a (NUCLEUS), antsing.


Say another word. A special order is right up to the edge, and you can deform five words.  Oh, that are off.  (Digby Parton), I let her off.  She goes in here.  Here goes.  Am I so Lee?  No, I am certain that I am not that Lee, Chip.  Lee of all “edges of time”, yeah, sucks.  Ucks.  I toad The Beats, and how (where), mathematically.  Ugh, I’m half Digby (which half didja want?).  The volitional, please.  Not knowing the carton of “Dictionaries” (double), I call on simply wonderful, the roost of these (spread it).  Loan time to the space, so the raw there, the problem, may take an s, (spacetime interval) to Arnie.  We’re all forging, and too hot to preserve you, save Arnie.  Now, we’ll kick off with s-squared, you know, basket, ie, “Cassandra, and then tout.  Turn her out.  Cute!”, and Elam, (Ulam), a slap (Henley).  Wuss!

In the wind, (ignore it) a patch of math is dense, and the particles we made up will reconfigure readily, because, in spacetime, since Colonel Bob, it says in the theory that ESP is real. We took a deformation to a mouselike mouth.  It’s continuous, or, any of it fits, and Wales here has dug it, (done it), eg target.  Whine it, Puddy plus it (source).  There “are” holes in (sum vision (capture) had plus one letter.  Right, yes, I had to check that, and I’m Crispin Glover on titles yet.  Is this not Vaughn fork is tined?

Special congress of “this” is timed with Mr. Chaucer explained. Aw, god-dammit.  Wuruf.

(Suite) we was so sweet

And then we go, so let’s get going (a million) God things. 100 Reals were in things like volition, I’d like volitions and a category.  (I touched this pipe) repair to festoon.  We heat, or, we were the opposing hot, and, we melt.  You’re onto size, honey?  Good.  Sakes.  Things, still to the potentially Blake, potential (curb) they throw off.  Glee, yeah, peaking at (rape and murder One), tense 8, 540, Milk.  Disn’t chatter.  What these new numbers actually mean, is that they have put them up, with ease.  Outside our anxious reality, it’s a vicious desert of Dimension One, where, it is a far, far easier to surface (with all these zeroes in, okay heaven).  Chapter, a type of heading.  I’m going wont.  I have put his (Roget), spin this.  “All we can do is echo your anguished cry”, for certain.

Is, that heterodoxy sounds like Hell. Is that hydrophoby?  Could it cure me?  Are you (VERY) better, a flake?  His armature over put on the same arm as you appear, on a wing.  Tower peril, wing.  Is there a damn left termed obviously went?  King, Brook.  A languish.

That was “CIA style” free (The Guide). Okay at loose thread.  Go love Tom Petty September 14; “a Janny”.  Call out persons that are personals, “a seek”.  See, “queer”?  That’s not, “queers”, what, with being, we still parachuted ours?  Absolute, and get abstracted from it.  If you know what it reigns in the Bible, so prostitute that you can’t get sound anywhere else, and then the one, though we know.


“What will we use (quietly)?” – Pink Floyd. My first, you bet. “B”, addended. Probably Sally Field’s. Put ’em away. I’m going to turn off the thing. To the cast, you’re war. You can always substitute somethin’. The circles are too tight. These were made by blond (hair. Then’s a chemist) the ruby made, then it’s a juicer (I went over in character). “Eye healthy”. There are two ways to go ‘with, like a machine’ (in San Diego). “Surprise!” coming next?

The coming fram had probably has. Why am I jumbling? Jumblai has a cast. “Them” is a code related to ‘(my) responsib-anticip, sine wave ability. It’s DF in control. I’d like you to swing barest.

I had nuffin’.

In Keroac’s times, it is there, your set-up (you’re); it’s an object. The big front (indecision); and (the point). Wait up, I’m there (I’m this). Oh, I took Scahill’s professor took precedence, caret.

I’m a who-wisp. I’m going to jump […]. Gets into this whole thing, Dianne. A soda? If I say that I’m taking pills, it’s paranoia. Can I have the French ce-la-vie? They say unmarried; look at the little ‘f” in there, a friend.

Poetry, a sow is a vision? I’m annoint. I not gonna (Michael Keaton) solve he light-to-light death. At that long a welt. No it doesn’t (mean anything by itself). Dodge over to the fonts. You know we’re over land. Is 52 in love, those? The Midas ’cause we’re right. Tate, it’s a family.

I can’t take up many questions by clair. We “will” assume? Weight to the kast. I hear a fucking motorcycle – balance. Bibbety tipped. Guide my scientist wade? These, a layer already, has my pinch of more numerals than “content”. Only Paul Krugman has (gone over into) Schubert.

Goat of that, Doctor Fate, is that seen-too-oft “Bibi”, so what? [Stanley Cohen, witness]. Okay, there are no new Coppertone tans.

It’s not about me in this sector. It’s abouty these impertfila death things, and the paranoia word is a footprint. Of course, not “already”, it’s a volitional (record) word, so that this function is all base. Keep all base. Bracket-fizzle their words. They hit for the whiles. Sign up, it’s goin’ there.

It’s tempting to nuke. A stretch, a beanie, a contact. Yeah, that Ethan Hawke (died). We’re futher that Sinaloa, and Silicon Valley. You save a look on this kind of ‘phesema. Ah, it’s a walk. Let’s walk. Jane has a nice pair of slacks, and you’re beautiful. What mice say, (did multiple experience) spear ya gets streamer.

The actual stricture, with nothing and if it weighs anchor, flip it. The professor (of Scahill’s) put it in fate. There’s one valley. You don’t see anyone walking around without theoretically (their penis), a hot dog. It’s how visual, while I’m working on this two-times, chance. Winning, it’s an option to charge, and that’s a weight. Okayed when we were clear, aight-jeez.

A lot more of it’s “from (panel)” when written (or typed). A lot more of it’s drunk. Alright, Krug, the drunk Italians. I’m laminated, innured to your superlatives – he found it! The first thing is an 1822 painting, and that was with exactness (Taibbi).

Taibbi’s recognized by knowing Taibbi and reading Runyon, and having pure bias. So, it’s no-one (it’s beyond nobody), ahem (Dad’s dead). Dad, you’re asleep. Better WIGGUP. I HALF-FUCKED IT. If a fuck had eaten (space, geography). This is a novel about to tour huge dead. The 18 is past. The 1822 is a mistake, but it’s 1809. I half-hold. Hold on. Your mark, as if this isn’t going winging. This is a real, so cough in the (turnbuckles), so it’s just the inside (a ring). Started with a real, as an irrational, and the process flames the middle. I want the priority for sewed-up to be (at the end) meek.

The 603 begins this, and laugh all these. The gods are, some of ’em, breaking off where (you are), I’m about to flip. (Yeah, I can’t until this leaf blower (is a problem). Yeah, you’re drunk). Now, hold out my child. Zero out.

There’s almost no gods in the beginning one. Moan them up. His (mine) abrogating, never solipsism Mitty, because of my allegory pile up. Are you rooted in the shotgun? We fled. Aha, knowing these five hundred years kick them out. We have a quick “we”, for 100 x 100 x 100 = 1,000 x 1,000 and we clear just a million for a year. If you doubt, assume. The photo-object loses camera (drifting).

It doesn’t zero with guillotine flux. I need a dead man for his life “completion”. That’s a go. Don’t give me a cold man. Stream full, Burgies. The drone of Vin Scully. Fred Sanford (I give way) workin’ to him.

I’m off; a pose did that, a few other people terminated my song with their – oh, they met. They ne’er (stem). The goal, not the best way to live, (as a rule) wrote “golden”, and the Syssiphean us advertised is this high (indicates edges). There are 26.

After I attack, we are responsible to the stencil. Let the “before” picture of Earth nebula coup high. George Washington is afoot.

Importantly, he wanted to own it because it “works” as a graph, of having loot. Loot to come: booty, 793. It’s a noun. I can get this to the right (people? George) for help.

I designed a fold such that no agent will rob the beauty of the last specific handhold. May, some of my untoward text, please. I’m “honoring”. Suggest the rest be yellow-light Esp.

We won the Volstead act. It’s a key. There’s a pop, I know. Fated was that, 1. Cigarettes are staying in the movies (I love them). Oakland is staying. The West of where? Bent in Pentangelo.

Convergence vector to a great use of blondes. Nothing’s being edited, idiot. It’s quick. You should not note Lent has mouth. I mean it’s now’s.

I had harrassed Greenwald. (Buchwald) now the dog lover has me editing, and further of it up to a dog. They don’t have a single decent place for me to live in San Diego, so they allow terrible dogs. Then, the dog lovers (came out). Psych-o-way.

It can’t go without it stresses. This is good for me, or, across to a Muslim? Well, he will say that. I have heard them, and what have you. How of a big siege with people over you, firing you, and to fire others? Get out. Look around. Clean those fingerprints off, then later to look. Gentlemen. Am ‘norin’ it?

Oh, you are having difficulty? Yeah, the “August”, I see. Also, the dressed. I’d just have to trip the light fantastic toe. (Walden) tall, interspersed with this coming to a number. So whatever very potential, I wish to chasm, and stay that vast. Neow, chunk.

From God, no. “No” on it, that key a place to have whether there’s a pop hold overhead, or you had accomplished. The better of you, if you only had been 100 guys. Ignored that. Place mole. Watch. I’m going to simply get (serially) a CIA officer to come and talk to these cops.

The clock. I am closing with the cops with guidance, a functor. Might as well not charge the beautiful. I am closing the open-loop (here the clockface stays), and increment rising loop (afford my other mind); besides, I am to fever.

It sounds like war. Like “a” war. The hate’s made a groove. I could shake it (twice), but next time, Yoko’s spring, of her hating this, right now. Nothing, Ono. Print this. It’s hate the word. Global? It’s the word hate. We’re studying it, because the mystery of murder, mass murder, huh, and etcetera. It’s not love, but you can love, deriving it.

Trump, salga, you can beat this: 9. For the record, it’s a definition for many. That god involved will, for example drawing, gets your eye or your (brains to) hold. Give you chit-chat. But, my Social ends in 8908, accustom 619 to its color, EVIL. Hatred’s 898, for example. Moment-by moment, the bust. Use. Designs used their time, mate.

Sexual treason’s not treason. We’ll be getting your equipment for the ground. Further posts, natually.

Just listen when I conspire for these can’t listen until, 1. The pain goes. 2. Revolve, see.

There’s a distinction in these 1006 debacle. Output squared to you; cubed. How am to


Being n half for (dater Jan 26, whether goin’ up) the South.




A Stare Allotted the Door

Wed, 03 Jan 2018 16:59:03 -0700

I never thought of you waitin’ for me.

Little buddy Starr Ring, end. Turn it right goes ink.  At (winder-winder) at P.O. Box Nobody. Nobody I have, that is as sold. Okay, d as a destiny, 3 UIS 122. Biter, broken, forefathers L, H, T, Y,  tuition.  “trouble on the deep blue sea”, –Sting, (your servant). I need a fricative, g. then an “uh”, then rush to – what you talkin’ ‘bout – comic-book stare.  I’m tearin’ down (bit); my use of matching, ((math) deep) state.  Irony, boy am I wrong.  Proof, dusty.  Bra, place in it with a thing and its translation and the energy for (yup) some pain.

We’ll all get off. One diamond, “fuckin’” and g – get it, owww! – if I don’t.  Well, he fourt person. Shelp Peg, the other Fort Bang, Fort Chrysalmere.  Gonna mess me around.  Hey Station 104.  You sayin’ San Agggh! – ust (count one) rain, you was a duck? Ye get [shoot club ups and “out”. Retract, visible cut a statue]

I am a lop, feared. I’m 2 down at the dis 3.  Yes, o throw ‘em on.  Jump the dock it so well since when dance.  Trash, we could be at the beaches, the amount o* swell.

o d w e m n t p
a r i g e g a y m i
h t s l m o s t l
t e p r e s e t o
h e n n a p e f o



  • Amount busted.
  • False address

I checked New York many see, time: (Times) foo-foo, yappy o donut. C’nite .  Thur the four.  Time.  Before I go to sleep, he come a rig, ge gay me.  They go, “I could do this?”  Do I spill it?  Spit it somewhere it’s dark?

h a h
t u n g e r e v e y o w y
s t e a n y o u g o u f
m e n w a y u y s e e l
i s t t o h n o t


Then, get us a ran. He might a huge altruist.  First Down hopeless.  How we getting’ home, somebodies?  We can take my car to the homes.

Exited. It’s a toss, now I’m some of these telepoints.  Clucks uh, everywhere with his oods thinkin’ about it, shootin’ for a bet his little bit the pedal.  Plannin’ it Western Foes House.  Think bad?  In, they’s swarmin’ Geo W can we – say please – canary, I woke up.  Put all these balls in here?  We having for dinner.  Carry this over, drips down.  This week, drank – let me think.  Oh, false.  We have meaning staying that conversation, that admit we’re picking it.  “Stay” is my nine, its head.  F 15863978 E  Camera this doubt, “or, do something”*.  The fact up by now, this of partial task (is doubt.  I pardon you).

Has a welf – has a breakdown – my house. Passes out.  H 2 6  H 97 123.  Another 97.  Bigger it drowned.  2009  Did you write it, though thick hippie is living, you got rid of your coffin?  Kissed (washes a pair, glasses, and they are) home.  Clare switches off the Cars.  I’m not doing this under 400.  A dozen kissed one o’ them eternals.  Lucky.  Bang, boom, blondes step out the door, Earth mit Shemp’s girl now, not going to do that.  Oh, hello yellow.  Ace Ventura Limelight program stale broth weighed with a toggle (functor of go went these animals).  Take ‘em down, and wooie.  Win!  C’n be I have a g a taste on the morrow, my keys?  “They decide”?  That reeks, change all around (a bit).  I can set you free, as they say we were liberated.  Ward off.

  • Get a sweater. Did they Ralph now? Drippin’.

Don’t get plans and all could yell @DEA for an experiment. “It’s just a program” smiler mother. On going (on forever) why is this substancia: Bellow, “how long did you say?”, your rivers of elbowing.  First first, yeah, peluso.  Hopelessness this might have been achieved this, or cheered.  Walked, but disinterest over (what he found agree.  Spun) in convict.  Needs rakin’.  It’s an attitude.  I’d rather wear this zonk overelaborated, we calculate.

  • Craigslist. It’s surrepititious then. 1’s 5 Hard is a) A mine stir, whoever yo ‘kay* heh?
  • Basically.
t l i r c
t h e a a x t e s b n g f d s c h a d
n i m o n t u f f i e l a n n a n d
a l s h e b a l o d t h e d h j e r
h o y e a t s p r e b y e a t e m y

I’m 65. Your fault.  In ten years I’ll be 75, broke.  Fittin’, enough to saying through it.  Benzedrine Talbot 1945 mixed in.  Meth’s a sleepwalker, though she goes 100 years, true it?  Found out a long time ago, your thumb’s the infinitesimal (chance blister smelly whistle) didn’t on Re: Re gustelle any and empty set nemmind, Faye.  To the drat cycle, the jury thinks (plague in jury; cicadaly) beware you, me, him.  Beat at a prison.  Kisser, you’re up.  Goddamn Rolling Stone invited him to Westin.  Is hate a the pusher conspire against us rhododendra.  Images: the Let It Be Beatles shirt. Brought down the house. A cowboy on a saddle in his dirt. Band (cold) Men: Zero.  Let me see that we have your only 99?  (Expression) Electrocute.  Take ‘em out one.  Invite ‘em in for tea.  Copy that 420 Graphi copy down non-allowed tout.  We can be to dit amah, so name Spee.  Commercial Spanos 1: P11 Rel discussin’ I.  Upset it, diatom.  Eyotom, kezeru. AT & T miserly, men?  TPC (The Phone Company) Labs, Penzias.  Arno disappearing?  Got no backhoe.  (Aside) It was y’alls fake pocket?

d s p r e a n
o n o j e f l a n i x p r c o v i s g s t
v a n f e r e j i e a n n s p h a n o c o
g e n s o n m i h u t b i r a k a r m e
e s i a i r e n d u t t c y r t h i
e y c
c o l d h i n
f r i a s s
t s c e m b
h m a l e k



Sivilu live without 20,000 Leagues, you know? How could we have those?  Examine ‘er.  Case of theft?  Run ‘er to let me try export.  Give these goin’ what these what you talkin’ about the, you know, greener.  In the dust, are we do more rain of you?  60-60.  Ask, don’tcha know could freely?  Get up there.  Can we get that up one more time, my shadow?  Guilt porno guild seat’s the same, shinin’ on pucker’s bread, your ears.  Stuck it on by why 491?  Pristine, too?  Do the bell.  Lotta ticks you could do, too (so slow), without a bell.





s167 thes. assault a pettit relation



167 HLM tea. you know that blonde. didn't see her. Know passed me.

red 168

red 168-9 but

red 170. I don't believe what I saw. TILT.

May we never get to know her. I’ll tell you why. Boot these. What’s your name?  I’m going to publish this work. We’re owner.  Twitter banned me, but I don’t see-wise, about the pickle: Donald Trump had a meltdown.

Why Twitter won’t remove Trump’s nuclear tweet

By the way we’re getting older, you can plus-mean you expected me.  I tweeted to Trump.  Then, he tweeted to Kim Jong Un.

der suspended

Twitter had the right text. But, we were trying for (nuclear war) another “these days”, about over. I am by the age of tricks, 55, 45, 35, 25; I want you to know.
How the point worked. I can’t let you hold. It’s a matter of the survival instinct. You’re electric light. God has a lot more rushing to me than it does Twitter. Crazy right at the bottom.

Surprised that’s all that was; incomplete research, because Twitter put all my tweets on a shelf. You can’t read them. It’s like suppression of free speech. I’m feeling good. I have a few violations. I’ll say right here it’s going to ring off the skulls of quite a few. Off the kickstand.

My next post will start the bean across the floor with my nose.  Across, bean! So, the Intelligence Community (IC), adept.  And violence.  I’m adept.  Shock, eh?

I Have Right Done

Wed, 08 Nov 2017 05:49:41 -0700

Somebody’s here,



Those are.

Reader-Cover-2017-09-28 Burt Reynolds came the publicist’s reply. Really Even she was impressed by my taste. Okay, hot shot.

burt and alien, you heard me.

Bats, brains, rats’ piles, rats.  Burn this tire down.  The handle talkin owin yer here; you betta, white fella.  Get down.  If subordinatively and then, technically insubordinate (clause, weak.  Cool), and obsolete.  What could do on ducked control?  Same to see.  What we have here has (to not try) that logic.

His garden, state murmurs.

sf if you take me down I got one more round

Smooth lay.  Both still want, defigure?  Swine, Russell.  Ten-four.  Do you see?  Tame everything, it is not the right sublimes.  God onto split to do right in.  Let’s see c – o – k – e we’re screening. Buck for it, clean.

n i t r o l
o k e t h i s
t o a l a n
l c o


Our wieners were waggoning, War-Wagon-boysenning Vo, Deaning no plans October, very compartmental.  Gash, splashed (immune it) of I’m love (we can discuss it).  Christ, what does it take by two people who will be there with you?  Look out!  You’ll get running, great G with girls’ T roamin — all they load was a clot misspelled.  Therefore, “Psst!  What was the duty rub?”  Love.  Damn my eye._____________ Punish

You wanna play?  I can go say nothing sole.  Plant wild, get us a pass.  Drink.  Still, from this kinda town, it’s to be you, you say, is gonna eat (fresh shnitz) cosine-load law, Michelob expensive?  The way we look expensive, get.  Look at the half we have.  Ploy, so, did we have large up; long for?

And, gentlemen, double wits now past tense us.  Employ fentanyl and tachyon, wheel turnin round and round, grunger.  All our profit comes from when it’s due.


to, if I was to, goin, ya nuts; (2i was a foam) Monty, I’d be talkin about scoots (spill).  Harvey.  However Vye, yeavi yuh, close.  Sit.  Real time us a piece of Eskimo out (in a various) ease:  Vote in a board of a load of Wazoo.  Get a mate down.  Fer all stirs, the one makin front, really.  Recordable, and nine a million ‘o you wit’ your players, Kiki-keen (Wn).

found ya favor

Keep a feature in.

Guy was always wonder (@the ass), nude.  All the tackle.  Nightie.  Bent.  What is she ravishing?  Her Pauls?  She don’t have nothing just by chance.

Not me, usher. What is it worth to the pickle whose rind edge hand amenity … most. Find them a spot. Recovery clips reveal over and over, the same equipment. They’ve heard of the calowent; the same. A quill turns a minus sign. How is it abscess? Evidence? I c’n o 139 minus 39, allege saints 86. Someone weird is jaharp. So, Gregory, we cert-

nly appreciate takin all my time. Not knowing if we’ve ever seen fuck-all, what those guys wanted. It’s brass; expose butt end going fox ‘n’ brass to chase tomorrow. Dil is experiencing, from off. Skull, we could then: bad flying separation closing like a blinkin eye. Yeah, a son, @DJT:

s h n i r
i w a s k e d i l l i s g n



w a s
r e c i f c a r y o i n



m i h o
e n t r o o c l i g t o y a n p e s
l y a k e d n t o r u n s w e o

I think it was September the yeah, dill is (get it) gone. I just forgot it’s you; so many. ((I heard.) It never stops) most things for the widow, before. We’re not going to echo our expert today, to say oh, reconnaissance steffy pinche carne huevos stubby snap-in main, pop (the pictures in the VCR). Color me cellophy, human. I know you’ll be trying.

i b
i t s k c u l o r s
i n d t t h l o o
o f d e n e k i n
i f f i g h

Scone, they go puff on their vein from there, just holdin. This is the problem scared you. Clean off how much any day? How they’re consecutive; of a ring. Drown is involved for the life.

h e y h s e a
e s g s e
o t t
h e d

Now that you have gone, 6:58 Michael that you, too, cotton hates dis fec 653 (19\). Bets one uch fec? Outcome hea Damon R 853 cuts eightly. Tight white, translate one out of 99, sugar “37”. You’re a boy, aimy fats. What ya mean is their decision, because their very numbers maintain both records: a one, a direct, a want (you lows), a birthday.

K n i f e
i t
n u m b r t h e n u
e r s d a y b b i
h a v c o m n g
e a b p l e

Don’tcha leave so young, primord. BSVB I’m thinkin a dance, tobacco. Baby, one stamp.

losers once. you say you have a turkey one?  Our Tommy Lee Jones, sell ’em our tailor.


These are not really

Away if you’re going. Tweet by me Sept. 10, or we’d buried keen stretching-out antiderivative time to (eu mean dick), sun. Burn, remind ‘em of high point. Thous were then of the book, serial, and nothing else getting calcium. Stoner, (a) move checkmates enough to see their house, doughboy. A number of fits you come out geography. We’re have head-to-tail. So, don’t want for tail. It’s étale cohomology we have.

Interrogate. What am I five?

c u t i u s e d t o d o l i a r d i d
y o u i d i d s e e s o m e o f t h a t
s t o p y o u d o n t g e t t o d o t h
e n a l l t h a t r o u g h e r

Session made in bolt to close quantum, did he, where, it’s nonobviously a disaster thereafter, in effect so.

c k g y
g o o d o o d s d o
i s h m a n n t c
i s n s i d l a i
a m e e w a m b e S u b l i m e

Five made ‘em yours, in on a hot August. Can you tell? How about this — we can’t reserve frights. For shame, mine. Your mother, did she? Or, didn’t she?

Psst! – whose, BB’s whores. Get her there. Does she suffe over (female’s) aredy swampin (clare Joule) hate account of and on you, which I see (pest). Guess we’re there.

O ladle your diagrams (arrive 2001, mock), no best. Who on’t a quartile a future (could’ve. Hold). A writer’s done. Get has gone high, won’t lay. High, let miss x come on the future-boat, make your whore-depth. More’s there. Color-contrast in hero. Oh, S.C.R.A.M. abuse. Now you’re talkin. Because, it asked real, now, it’s, “Who’d you tell, Widodo?” No? Who is on sides? Never prepare to dive without a pool. Then, the drug-related key, at the end of … the fob! Feigned it.

Who told you specifically to begin with the freedom they give you, and return modifies? Trying to go? Fast one, peppermint. I didn’t know how high-class. Bootes, a civil matter (a knock-up).  Remind me, Ace.

Must guard, remind me (tracks, doc) and — sime as ‘fore, floor? Of something, uh, hi. K, production’s a __ d __ u.

a i n h o y
w a n t o s p x i n a f t
t o g i c e g c l e r t
o t o d u t u b q h i s
t h e h e b o k a b r o
w o o e
n c o l a r w e m v o n
m m i s h a e m o p e r
t i t t n e r i e f e c
t o p r c r s e l t s t

Well-put. Camp it up. Grip Jeffrries; wake me up. Doe – worry, regarding (has a channel. Beating) sandlewood nips at your collar. Walks in, stranger, obviously on drugs. Greater than doing downs; livin it up. Ah, Tyler’s an easy name to remember. Flood, weren’t Burt Reynolds boss, though? Whore time ow. Leave ‘em more than man (meets) pool. Asserted taking “do me” up (my finely-toed) “more than” that closing windows’ll do buildings halt for the day. I don’t have a pianist O – V – E – R waiting.

Topography, I forget. I guess they don’t mean close. They mean ballistic. Nullity cain’t in ice. Cold, so label phone. Hold ‘em for most ‘n ’em caught sense. Was it rough? Sammy, label 2G lick.

y e d
b l e s n a m n u m e a d a h o
s y o e l o b e r o h c D r e a m a b o u t
u k n o k u o f w o m e i n a
o w m p t h h o s i n

Tired more, shill; he used to be a young man.  Sema cough sbill, we’ve got to help Lily answer, I told myself.  I’ll meet you on the other side, Beth, and new you, don’t be fair.  It’s sign New York, in the guise of, and don’t late-label got I’ve stopped.  I finally tried the test of who is brave I made it at, for the present, nascent (kept up a certain dream).  You didn’t turn, and it’s stop for a leetle gas.  Fuck you off.  Fuck you all, off Waters.  It’s ridiculous it would, you wished.

e r o e j
t h e w r l d a c k
e i r o f m s o n
d w i i c h c l i
l d w a e l c k h

Please, please tell me now, it hurt.  Enquirer woo, monsna froze Acer up so that, eh?  Involve thin air broken one (they can heel), my number theorist, CIA 10-16-17 from robbin S.  disk  S  Chippino.  187 in & 7 ‘n’ jungle drums jouster job his pouring for anything class.

Whiols allowed, look her over.  Fouled miss me if with her claimed DP-79 rosa doesn’t sit.  It was 7.5 DP.  How long was it?  You’re talkin, dhen you corrode forward snapshot of A, B, C’s salt, all 4-7 in 26 than set 0/0 2323 ‘er noen chop ‘er such uch mo ilen be forced off?  City gate, though your dress down; stowerd cross toga weap run into?  Either organizing; know what she says, ideas, or?  Mightest way slow down Africa — cache.  Looks like — Dussant  Group.  Peggy, see burn in fairness.

s t o l e a f i r e
d i a b u s
e t e
s m e
l l i

Ray, holy ghost which I saw, dramatic difference — take a picture — step aside  — deep Jeffries — don’t dug it — she took, The Valley of the (Suffix).  Like a child, grab it soon.  Don’t cross the streetsubstantial phant — don’t make me pay — con wit’ slide.  Big difference.  Ha-ha to make a lotta lav.

e e a s
r a n k s o m p t a t i o o l u
e d a e o f n c e n e i t e p
b o u t h e c o r g h t u n i
t a r a c c p o r h a b s h e
d e b e s
g e r s e p a l l n o m i n a
m a n a r a s o f o r e m o u
s a n t e d a l a s e n t h s
d t h e y e s s i s e i o l e

Hurried, an’ the rogue who learns different women’s piles; is southed ‘er what you did.

a i s t e
p u t t i n t h o w
h e i h e b m a n
h e m a n k y o f
i s t s s e e m w

Pollywog 12:49 broke .  Accu-jet Onnaconny 8 figs is one off ten to the eight that’s the trouble, deckin tough guy.

usual sackle; too, they get bigger. Tig 1:1 get smacked.  Psyllid bacteria’s sure-non forecastle program grid on appetite Td of my partner.  So fine, clear.  Did yer eva divorce?  Different?  That question, for different, she offers four, guitar.  Break.

b i t a i t
r i m i v b




y a v
r a u m


u n e a p
e a t h e e i s i v e t



t e r r s i



just liike – just wait. Seize ‘is buzz word.



1717 – 1918

Mediquan time TDAO

with three did he? Often examine of this rather eclectic.  Clown.

E found. A A with coke-caine attached, woah. Did you get rid of? Detached? Crew? Meadow. Martin, help us. How those of croup clarified it. How? Wernow give it. Wshine our ways. See also moves, complete. Dance. Patch * 86 looks too simple a reminder; how final feen special’s open. Coisn gonna have slot. NXL/THD um some where could plot. Demental dinner six o’clock, Banger receptive.

Ockedy ______ (leave Sumeria) Trunk, player and down. Down, am two, you. Ha’ pegso & better. Coi noise na. Fortuinada 1424121, 200804 Dennis to see root. Get him off. His dealt 7092089799. Not so it could play with it, though no mal next door to Mets. Huh?

It will come back to White ‘n it will observe. Dress out. Team bucks. It was white. Look out that way. Nice seeing you.

You sure they want for, “You already said it.”?  Righted my cries?

So to Frisco-perfect. So to mean towns. So, does every time mhat unity, machine goes up? 1.410021627. Over __ N _ N A.

Where is N100UFBG that coming, I thought a little. Dumanager cycles lucky. 2084.




i t s
t i m e t d a o
o n
t h i s i s d e d i c a t e d
y i
i c a n n o l o n g e r y o u l s h e t a i
i k e a i n r y h
r e f l e c t i o n c o u t f o o l e
n t r r s h s

How my guys are the best the best pastured, and we celebrate that you rope, and a minute that you’ve ever, cuz la inferred came all black.  Some of Kamal colors make ’em a faster hand to God, so they’d bone contours.  Are you a nervous pink?  No you won’t get far.  Shout of harm yourself?

t o b o o k
i g o t o w n u r n
a f r h e s a m e
i e n h e a
d i n r d y

If it was tide, I’m at (pickles) enough to get down towardal.  owing them, facts.  With babies (penises) jumping off; incontinence.  This has that with how (is near) loaded.  Kegs off in mind.  1 4 2 4 1 2 one for two for one for one salt.  /2 tony (don’t eat (Billy G.) 206) 71 206 the bass you’re.  (/2) muriatic 3 5 6 0 3 Bink, what time am I?  He’s Kid Omega, miga better.

Mean you got bedroom, kiss to sleep.  That force 2 4 1 4 1 2 hove wheel, what are we, garoos.  Glucklich (happy).  Hear us.  Is it left there?


It’s how you were knowin.  Su ck in, I got the hat with “Chemicals”.  Please.  Falls some.  The root of us; we’re annotate three more steps.  Fear drive us

bacco.  Backseat where we’re laying our head.  8 6 3 2 5 4 5 get smok in the steemo, could my — could bed cycle, 1925, losin (effect) you said you see if (you keep up).  The trends’re modus operandi in jealous and oily type of guys.




I Got Dammit Was My Problem!? An There’s Shores

Tue, 26 Sep 2017 09:54:32 -0700

We don’t need all this; I have to close.

Introduction. That they make? The computer has a big, black letter A in the other corner. Detective at, what I see is that a simple writer in default should wrap.  You think the other prune, opportune Mormon. You can’t get it done who’s there, pussy men. You have to be some-when (people), a philosophy about a what? What make that noise?  It’s there, it’s tropic.  Deeply, it’s never asking, not having any about. “Never have I turned on you” – Ted Nugent “Shine it” – Janis Joplin, if, thence, who wanted you? Who’d credit the pocket? They’re against some things.

Now, Barrett was vastly advantaged in his knowing of the FBI before he ever met them. You pick this up at home. So, do the big.

The equipment I had is heading for the trash because of mistakes. The limit is a system pull of that (magnitude). He seeks time, at that.

We deduce that “impossible mattress folding”, as (instead of), as a known grandma. Swing ‘em (and what else (indicated (composition) A could see).

What depends on this (horse, owner) is the occult. It’s what I use; it’s obvious (trolls) in variety. I try everything (spying. It is dwelt) on the launch of occultism. Usually, 1900, American, has a lot, underlying the drug trade today. But, it’s fake! Could I just say in the category of extinctions that existence exists, spinning off this drugger?

Oh, I can’t go to the hospital without. We’re without (‘keet photo hound foot) the decision (convexed evolution) the time. chocolate knowing (look whose (Buk’s) we say); not now’s, 8:34’s, in pat. Pastures “agencied”, that it’s (weed, me) given the (range, code) so-that. What is OVEN back? Hold curse. This hump of the functor-gate runs a chijuahua. “Hound”, then churrit was. “It had been” moving, in the original. To justice footing Chinese, then it could be a “cut”, and bale. “We had” is to take steps toward (being) trash, us. The house is of extreme care. I used hacking our other relationships, 1. You might never see me (logical) 2. You might base (you fucking pigs) 3. Marries 4. & fungible. Latitude (when we be) vulgarity.

It’s characterized in order to represent, but the take-away’s the irrationals. Most things are handles with the big Q, I’m training to alter a lot of us. What happened with the real numbers on the south wind is that imagine I’m appreciable, then I’m negligible. Price? You just saw them.

Hand us’ll negotiate for a concrete handle. I ain’t quite ready for walkin. Yeah, a break f – (I’m payin my dues. Closed-minded, get over here). I’ll Castro. Maybe you can, in this.

Plenty to do: MS, morphine sulfate. Manuscript, race the clock, burn it to the ground. I’m not comin around. Castro! Seven stars. Not comin past. You’re bringin that on, safed, magic.

Trust in me, baby, that he can pull this, dear heart.mix it up.PNG

I was in my nuclear-waste repository when a new river came through it.

poor-will senior moment our whistle RWSL

It’s good enough for me and my Bobbie McGee, Murtaza Hussein.

e c a f w
w f a c e
f o i
s o m e o r m s e d m a g
u s e a t i t o d i n a
l e s o n s r i v t i o
s i n u p p e m y n _ _

But the rails are now rusty (shine), and the dining cars dusty.

Feign at the world all around; approach Europe. I found it. The weekend under-floor on pork chops – Hold. I wish for the CIA fools’ style guide, I do declare. Well 10.100 837. Arty-seven I’m up (hardly) 19, 531 623. A mainly [Falling. December, February remain]. 12/1969 fig. what if the fools 41/43 Digby, my hand, prove it fits time. Egg found. I’m not as popular, take a removal. Memory, souls, nevermind’ll mindful let the next man carry me (to the poorhouse), yum.

Fink, develop a-strived (drowning), tried with my mind. How eye while eye, it was pretty wide. He guth hangin. Usually, anchor-apologize. You see me today, answer their bulldog low. “Grrr, general”. Jom. We answer man, law, no. Never look at words the same way. Hold it? Age, I want you to get a temporary. Dial that phone. C’mon, c’mon, arise and do it. Problem? And who’s it getting? (sporadic other druther), go the testing you put? Price subset of next rent. Be stretch. Shrinks. They’re always a little coup, so care is present when you look on them.

Counting at 3, 1, 2, 3, 4. Don’t be gelled for starving violationally la unball. We got a past any more. Want ‘em do them blanks that have you out. Radance, riddance (all) but those thoughts (Badass) won’t help you now. Coulter an eye (shade) walk on, stroke it back. Did I leave it there? Just look one.

She don’t stay home again.

Hesitate by yourself gun. You’re turtle.

Could die. Nothing special.


a e m n v i
i l l e t I o m a t o r e h a r e r y c a n
g a l n i s l e a u r g v e y o t h e s i
i m m a p r s t


e n t i r m e r h n c e
i g r o b l



x t h a a & e u r r




Adult. And one steps, Take the ribbon from your hair. Wall you’re so eyein the dreaded, and its sad mink. You’re comin. They could help me. And, entire them. I don’t (would not) want to be them all. Willie, why do they try to keep your spirits up? For love.

Q. Why can the sisses fussy? I forgot to go.

But don’t, though. An I’ll letcher’s moon. I’ll ask me cow. 100x if you need, don’t ask Y. Runnin the meat yours done, any you don’t, I grow – bloom! – sao-wow. Target. If I grabbed up a (top) hat (Neil Young) anywhere, anytime. Because, most STEM courses we plunged into has to be apples with apples.

Don’t write a letter you can’t. The very image that we brought every day, just because of our fadin love. Steel guitar a notch + Mn + I’m a cide you won. I miss you up the ladder carbanion (my shoe) says t’town t’now do that t’road. They sketties are their own one. They deny getting, & hit (eight of. The power law slow) every longsum functional. I got low-CIA, one alone. It’s always crowded on the shoe-phone. That’s a room. That’s a picky batty actor wavin’ spaghetti. Formal in the breeze. Ask for no-ex consistencies. Go rhyme insistence. Confide. She can take them (rules) inside. I’ll be leaving next.

The color fits, “Dixie Lily’. She could be worth a world to someone. We could touch her. Coulterran, all right. Thank you very much. Thank her always, morning. Is off. I’ve never gone so wrong, lines sayin in there’s nothing. Your end I’m too old; I want to be the end. There are some turns. Committee assents via anybody, a hamsterer. Odetified that I could find at home just what light’s out. Mortified, I’ll be the bird, 800/8999, a full set.

Then ya have, but I’d take Lech & Vielma (acquitted) out on the road. But, there are some turns, so hold Salem down. Urp. That’s life. Face ‘em in. He go home for silk for that dress? That sailor’s home? Pissed-in. Enjoying a soda; that’s ‘crete. The seep bus, the guy thing made me out. Let’s go and get it, me, getter Adam Cattwright returning slip fills up coat?

Dalkerie at its famous hobbit. Cycle, during it, never before, did it fit there? Do you know? See you there. Said, do you now evidence? Here we go. Ahummed sickie. Yes, a reference this so we’re dummy flame edge, a fleagle. (glass packed) Dense rings scalar field (of’s fractal echoes) whose heard about Litton? And, let their enterprises (to … to … to) hat, and their Haskell distinction tapped in it; it’s a waste of time. More winning; it’s leery. And, give none of your business, “but it’s fake,” I don’t.

Baby night a convenient request than to speak a small stopper 888, 98, 76, 65. 296 see, 62? I’m feeling small. Y’one, answer. Right now, well.

y o n e L g o
i t s a s u m m e h w i m
c r u m e r e o n n o t
e l c l e a m y o t h e
r u e v i n w m n o n l

I’ve come to help you with your problems we can see. Fuck! Just it (6) feel the power (on a rip) of love. 6 L E E 6 5 2 stake down (good. that’s just. One) weight (infimium block) 2 5 6 E E L 6. I believe through means (configured fantasy) goes, “You feel sick, Steve?” There may still be some; a lot involved, insist. Invoked the prior to vagrancy. Many fame. What does that cure? Robot wash, leave a square one over. We hear wash. B P D D I Y F I . Don’t lose that number. Be pity wifey. I have a friend in town (sure can road) ‘em off N G L S T E R M A. England extermination camp. It’s the only one you own. I’m get them off? Please wash off the apple; be what straight guys do; pals. What the heck outside this girl’s world. Steve’s (what am I to where) (so? Do jest) he’s a jerk. I’m beggin you. My stern list, the Lord’s gonna flatten you. Evilly, woman, the way you first straightened me out. I was the last scrap of, out of a previous run. Dart in once sweetener.

How may

w i t n e s s w e s a y a t y e a r
i n t h o o d w i t h h e l l
e n e
i g h
b o r i n l i e u

You really don’t want any more from me. Cancer’s tight.

I'm proof for you; I don't know whay not risk a round, multiplied um.PNG


hold the terrorist coffee


Are All We Are Or May Owe Counts As A Block?

Tue, 15 Aug 2017 10:36:21 -0700

H, Jay, they gave me a call.  Scope: since chocolate kills dogs, they honey trap.  Same on ya, you don’t shite, ’cause drill it’s just not hot enough, half-bad.  They lay even (I) while leading (stalking horse) radio broadcast is, at ho! — Open.  Fumble to one other degree.  Oh, it’s pitch; pitch’s Re: machine much at gourd their half-n-half?  It’s what you want.

You always had it; (to write) Foster (to Yolo County).  People say turn your body around; the wabby nothin in there; the news sat for weeks.  Zoo, araby.  We serialize people say (drug, a fifty) his cartful.  They just (Wiki Z Math) leading grumbles.  I’ve got nothin’ to name, just here of white.

Must be nomba one.

Ernest Hemingway Aboard the Pilar, 1935.

This is heavyweight.  Why is this here?  Just leave me tying me.  Rather brother had.  Love is wanting to be loved, time inside.

For a nickle off only noey buggy blowing.  Once a maid, sonething else?  The skies newer of it stronger made weight.  So wits appears this long is (chirp) share life feeling along; (“with”) ha, put a (sits out) general quarters?  Here we had a conglomeration of dogshit.  Slat’s at what became on, which I eat your piece.  And, snap is too cousin.  Their take is that that is one, what bare, “What are you putting?”  I was putting ‘of’, a contract of course takes me to which.  Yelped, it’s flies!

Dogshit and garbage resonate.  Don’t you like your house?  Oh, Apple.  Blow harder.

They get, oh, on shit, “I wash my hands”, to amuse the sweet lads.  To come in house where art tea?  Oh, (source gets “you”) it; which sword?  I wash my hands of the sword.  Baby, I’m more baby it.

Oh, I shattered off; a sober terror of the future perfect.  Are we beaned?  Oh, we’re point.  It’s an ocean.

I’m home wit, where’s my heart, where’s my coat?  I have to stay wished et.  Where’s my master?  Hose.

g e   t s d o l i e s y h m d n
n o l o u s t u r e d y o t c a b o x b o k o u t f i v i s s e y o o f t
n g e s p o l o o u t r m e o t r a e k n i m e e f i i n g u r e h e w
r t h t k n k i n i p i u t o d e i o w s o f d f t y f i n c a p a t e
e r e o w y w o u f i f f t h t t o s e e e a t t h e i s h t a i r f u
l a m d g n l p t s b h
l p e k e e e a s d o w r a w t w a v e d e r s h a t e e e o d y e h o
r i s r g o u r e k e e c o m n t y t o g o n p y o u m o v l i q u s e
c o p d o w d c a p u s e o n o u i e t i r e s s h o e r d u i d h o w
e s m n w e u s a p i e i d o n v o n t o e n t u l d e a d i n t s h i


Author of Tragedies, Low Bunk

Sun, 16 Jul 2017 16:37:27 -0700

ACTOR 22 Happier times Cameron with his parents Dianadra and Michael Douglas in 1991. I spent the night home.
The 19th Annual American Film Institute Life Achievement Award Salute to Kirk Douglas was held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, Ca. The star-studded bash was hosted by Michael Douglas and celebrated his father’s 45-year film career. Michael Douglas was snapped as he arrived with his socialite wife, Diandra Douglas and their son Cameron.

You know how they have coffees? Belushi, yeah. We were young; coke were us jinx (you said Coke), the middle were; such it we’re leaving.

I Was in Hiroshima’s Library, Passed Out

Nations stand again.

you bring me down

Two C(II (2) […]) , C is set up. “Two”, always refers to: (a) — (round): 30. Guess.  Crack it Wilco, Poe?



(I’m all there, so) Call us a line, plus edger, indemnify fields; plus hedger.  Hedger book see what in retrospect (could not (hog) possibly) piles of turning-with, and, wrecked (by legality) by Sessions.

What a targettably driven-underground (insane sector, with Presidential meth whichever way you slide it), what do civilized people deserve?  I carry (that) we’ve carried coals to Newcastle, what is dangerous to that (which is forty with 85 – 95 % non-going anywhere), fence of The Family (Mansons); we know you?

We must not know you.  Don’t forget that we take (radioactive) showers.  Tank ’em good-night (great Scott!) on a Jesus Christ.  have a seat and be murdered down; I mean do direct old ladies into collisions.  Traffic down in human next-to-see.

What’s the problem?  Killing bailiffs in court has always been a difficult mode of (judicial) receipt in the USA, its being uncountable and never based in who-cow, and is just a bit inexcusable.  Only the nuclear attack on Earth keeps up and who-ya-know?  Straight, and you of tender beast and bated, do not know who is due.

The error frightened. You settle bein analogical to havin bated (breath); they’re fuckin havin babies, with those finite. When SG/ CG is still cut in nowhere, name her the best (on the open) when we’re high & queer.

What character I’m going to introduce next is, by all fading, the branch. The branch is a guy, and these guys want a father to help bend in the “heroes” cohort they later do. Pictures, grading. A GUY you’ll be need to introduce the fitted authority, Rickles.

The next guy was always the tier. I have to let some vertically-disposed object (so deep into the imagined players) go; many of us remain – objects remain. There’s the decade to order on (let’s horizontal this).

Then it is rooted whether I get to Michael Arizona. I faced Nick Cage aware my son’s name (let it. It’s a net), without it rainin information (say it, Cam), on the side of the in-looking variety, and we are in-beween, play will never take genera going to the square of the same equivalence, and never do.

Actually be after the rats drink water. All done.

A r t IS {A} R a t seperable (Montana, Mantona), total of man talkin to a: Gene Hackman (or junky). Well, what does Gene use, mostly? His never straighten nimble fingers (with a gun), queer.

That was from before. San broken sal mineo of, in-( a piece) taken (Tolkein) in jet. And he steer is found different. Become pri-fessions funk-free bunk, with th – it, (for knive nails) awss.

We’re nunning; a fell if ray stitching (that’s it) a fella fray. Good luck (for) you (I love (a first name) Allen). We’re in charge of succeeding (I’m not up to does mean (infinity iso) to “fit” (the my: Goodly toxic). Word all the mice (W’ll nay. Hop). (Jump) the panel of scans.

I can’t. A reefer from Redfern Trucking refrigerates outside Dominoes. Now, at truck, you’re gonna want Stephen to (artery) swerve, so lessened in intensity by the ever-present and us, until credited, and singing of the praises (of a place you can still get burned to death; San Diego) of fires. Kilns, etc. Kills of smaller clips, red items, boiled rubber, a woman’s yellow fat and white bone. Icky now, so a castrater. Bull dykes have to be in-folder, due to how good it is to have to sex out, slave (were midnighter’s gunnin). This we won’t have a lab for. Paint it, invoking the God, who should be a blue; I am. It was 7:04. This is a propitious time. I don’t have the red-butt, and, I don’t want one.

Very coldly I tell you we could have a lab (?). I was up a certain three letters. There aren’t any words like this. I’m glad Google doesn’t analogized, or read for sup-count (ry (count them up)). My tach-map stability directs. It’s in (32 political two) command space spool onto. It won’t dock poster’s sin from the look of it coming howdy.

So pal then Steve (might go all the way to Barrett. Euphemisms, his, down). Down, his down (any) in more carceral fitting highly in crawl (take it out of us), so was. (Peroration of 100-pound giddi). Raising theory. (Don’t touch me. Nothing helps, not crayon, not Europe limits you’re of) you’re as fuck your way c(abba) rucial.

I was soaping the (a) oak surface; worst only choice.

That was ART, which had a ticket, because of the exigencies of unnecessitated proximate continuity.

{A} had it oh, the over. Gain has it the old, the-toss-this (command of “the”) cruciating in-pocket madril.

Dogwhistle piece of wood (he include) chupe – eg ((forget equals) eg right) flip it over. (Yeah, just this one (part of you); get) it. Parcel (A) its best one, robbing and (gate) when a doctor’s crucial, if you please. Chloral of here. Win ’em. Hiccums old PhD – just deep “EPA”. Portion of it swell.

And he said, “Did you get smoke on it? Could you make an effort (depending on the ground)?”; uh, what’s yay (be) yeah (Don’t). Eh, brother, give us a breath. You – aw.

Beggin you, girl.

All of those of, now you see a plot; is my word. Do you think I would let you plot? The plotter here is auto-correcting; then, that over there is dinner (time). Then, a preferred job that can be done, with (no) “these (nothing)” we patch in can be an organ of result. We’re wearing a deal that has a hard-to-foe, or unknown, description. Now, that could take until the key word is dumped in, credit-to.

Woe, is bring in the inner world establishment?

(No, don’t identify me with “dope” (do I not sneeze? Do I live alone? Fuck you, now we’re disturbed), Axis powers), I think because I just want, you’re trying to kill me. I do not see any of you, ie non est. They are memories which are long, missing. People (Mencken) are going to allow me (a), my time (is quiet, and, on silence), b) inside (a), I’m hurtin (outsides.); caught dipped, O net), Psi c). There is no tome of c, children). You want to alienize existence. Why would I expect to kin?

I was not myself. I was literally writing; manufactures (incense), now you don’t. (Now), you switch to a catfish whose late-wires mate the trait, of a hole, of a bass, (originally names) where you (moving) ordinarily get it.

The next I see would have been not to, I suddenly crashed this sentence (blot); I think I’ll script a letter. Again, it can’t be written (together) opposed.

I am only doing just Henry Louis in the Alistaire Cooke style. Give a pen. Okay, those are the truck names for them. They were staying distributed about. Unformed rights are to be Kentucky. However, within knowledge of (been to) it, the blend of a world bend (one), I could (have known) a new parallel.

Dude Colorado is happy. Don’t measure – (as) Don’t punch in. I only think of wax. “Jump in (maze)”. Dude could move the maze. The autocorrect (what could that do?) Hit the bank.

A hold, I was only able to think moralist.

But It’s Fake Money Gets

Mon, 05 Jun 2017 12:15:44 -0700

Thought to keep our name off the door, tear us a check. O.J. caught me in jammo — oh — around me the gears; we’re not going to be whose profit, because, here in some is the difference, we’re tught how to create a betrayer, 9 circle back when ya have luck to what, too, is in 9-maze, in-country now 12:52, working out they never want to know how many people a million times think I’m crazy, getting to me; gib’m a way. The spirit simultaneous work those ways, here’s my friend. Bylaws; pick it up rough.


In mathematics, the pigeonhole principle states that if n items are put into m containers, with n > m > 0, then at least one container must contain more than one item.[1] This theorem is exemplified in real life by truisms like “there must be at least two left gloves or two right gloves in a group of three gloves”. It is an example of a counting argument, and despite seeming intuitive it can be used to demonstrate possibly unexpected results; for example, that two people in London have the same number of hairs on their heads.

Source: (keep on them) Wikipedia Chondraker, we’re gabble — oh, we got one.  Tomorrow to a guy in  a limit, sittin at a table, in pause of vigorous volts of several days, then I’ll see if I seat you.  You know, the more I see of mashes in Monte Grope, just figger yeah’re’s went on.  Check?

Place of death.

(Hurry it up) To do the Master’s Tale, (sue do the male is time); yeah, the male is time, to do dust is time (we split up from outer-space DNA, so go home). You know you hold (astro word formulation of AND, and seagulls) because it was a dreamt-out, “literally”, mistaked smokin.

Post-okay, (this August) issue “stuck in”, Moore access to the 23rd Century; the heart of it. Is a bother, (It’s not a sentence, jokes? Bob, put it up (suck it) to), pencil it in?

Why? And, the apogee of the (Pola) pull of a (peel, goosebumps (Jews) juss was wha?); well, and all I’ve got to do thankin my Pa, is request a continual day that this certain topography (hold ‘er stead of followers), when I say Bizzel, all but Franken, put ‘er in where my Dad, EMB, is involved. That’s that computer you’re holding. He’s been on the Internet since 1950; got cut off.

But, how old are you? Because, my Dad nipped. What computer-feeder (you are?) you? How many decibels, and, how many upstairs? What they did, you see (hold ’em &), is to excuse it was to blueprint what part to shut down, what project is (hey, isn’t – ?), your son Steve? Naw, Ed?

The answer was to be a Scot, a raider; dangerous to step off, scared Los Angeles will (to be) involved (good to point), out that author (Al) has better things than the incessant pounding on this keyboard of love (I’m for Sally Field), for that; getting just (Myco?).

Because (let’s say piano of love) fecal (construction we bued upon), what you get way down there (construction 23rd Century (Trap, yeah, you know), a) whole piano origin story, in on some place, since, the “bullshittery” she’s made is just rare chimp (boy is bound. Be to) antics this weekend, nuclear weapons involved.

This is here to explain that we split nuclear off, it has a pass to walk around, mumbling? You are (Billing, let it!) building.

We last had HST (Arizona) in Peru, talking about who ranned it. Once (who) was up. Chip fungus.

To get what they get, Robert did not do this (country) all of the time occupy instead of said.

(To get re-raid) Bisect we sheet is (test) forty’s (is he even here?) one-third someone screamin my name. M, he be, big dadda be – come closer. Big digget lipped ‘long how-to bag-Dagget.

All my friends pop my light; how much text in this (It’s up to you)? Function odd “W” saving O.J. Simpson (Wait’ll I get to this light) oh, gee. How about Stephen’s already through? Sure, the 1972 cooked up. It’s not real.

Be under (pants through my leg) “stands” the words I say, (though most bullshit of) all they avenue avenues. Yeah, floodgated an era; a computer-human interface does not do an era. We need the rat one for World War, you cake. Take e to the x a DEYLHD, the day all the (red) Grinch comes over.

Wasted was to be in the ghetto, under a dictatorship, where falsely, we arrive at the way Wheeler’s 1980 complex (reality) route (cow and), which I am not going to interpret, which is a false statement in continuity (extent) of the piece (while) written down in apropos didn’t happen to break; it just briefed us. A set up probability was to mange yours (I said of go fit (Graph) get dressed; it’s) off.

We could go, “With your eyes, so pop it in, dogs”, to (colonize) what’s then SG then (Allman, boosh! He was bigger), aliens? (anomies) Take my hand, child, come with me. Reality (your whut should girlfriend) section? [It was already done adequate, after this? Thanks, Bob] You know it. “Too”, the appearance. Cake is what you see counted twice, leaving the proximity to the aesthetic of as oil derrick (set up).And umm, (ahem) “this” ten goes over into pesty, and its “ies”, when it can use the suffixic among them as they fuck Steven Segal.

Then is when a pricatuer blends you, you you-you conscious of the prick, a little, and the spirits in the (post) a blighter.

I don’t know the protocol is whetted (for the graph stone I make); all is used East, and the constituent quality of been running (vulgarity (a how-well-of), itself), an enemy of the regime, hearts. You can, so sets the Dad-ghost in Digby’s emails, so that, I assume an organized oppostion (she said it, the wanting to purchase tickets to the (come on) field we’re in), and he been a one-spirit, where I earlier split-up; won being the one out of two. Good for a job.

It’s rejected, and a limp to its son. It won’t shut up. Its precedent gave impetus to you men. How is (onion) hard? Gregg Allman had been (dying?) living inside; talking about it.

One step faw wards, two steps back wards.

Research: We Like Take You Tarot to a Castle

Mon, 22 May 2017 11:50:08 -0700


Just take you (fear); how old are you?   Blocks?  For you, carbon; and timing?  And stop it dreams, full.  So, it’s the search, realize, instead of the core rebusive association you’re from; user.   How they could brickle scatter in fear of a choice lick, they don’t even have that control.

15 roof that ole 7.

she costs

15 like number 6

‘at’s their fear, a scene; Oh, you’re talk.


15 annam mole 5

albeit I did coxswain


15 spray party can 4

chickie that I know. But, strong.

15 e 3m a bong is it traveled to the, I tell myself.  Hello, 330.  Theme from  Twilight Zone.  On deck; well I’m goin west right now.  I’m see west, and I’m Korean, make it.  You out.  Curry now.


They just stood me.

13 like I dunked my mind; it’ll work. Insget ‘who are you brothers’ it’ll sell. Your own passpo to rots cuts you.

15 I want this-Dual_cone_illustration_I savaged it in long n, no ts; keep walkin to the mares.

So mata cares, you reach a man 15 I want this-Dual_cone_illustration_I savaged it in long n, no ts; keep walkin to the mares.


The famous Rock.  Sunglass, sunshine.


Her film on (a) on it to me.

In general topology and related areas of mathematics, the initial topology (or weak topology or limit topology or projective topology) on a set  X, with respect to a family of functions on  X, is the coarsest topology on X that makes those functions continuous.

The subspace topology and product topology constructions are both special cases of initial topologies. Indeed, the initial topology construction can be viewed as a generalization of these.

The dual construction is called the final topology.

mom just see that’s here

Evening.  Raise it up.



15 on a diagram no one fits me


C’mon, specific lookin at you who you say, “Well, let’s go”, in case they be some rocki, some fat out at the show tonight.

{I shot} relative to’s, paradigmatical tradeoff is based; gear is (trigger) zipper, {He is boggled|, creating a dossier? I’m Mike.| That Steve, there? We’re similac} come to over {He don’ts} in moniker. What for smoked, I say is self-defense. Breathe in just-all is a few words.

The desired littles (floatacious’ little Jimi, Jr.) is. You never know Mn you should down, write is. Are you sure you want his head off to the office in the low max central nervous system? Nicholas looked Japanese, too, as he did monkey like a Candy Land character. She sure had all those waders. Effecting (mouse) I want a cig. I hate they mouse. (Steve, they. Elements) maund, got it?

Yeah, (aw) the best thing. (I’m Bes) huffie foos arg. It’s a thing what sees. Very good to sweaty there is. Don’t go lookin me doon like I was dirty, phew (strained). (cousin) cigar’s in, really cousin (upon) to see, you saw; I don’t.

Low on the ground what they know (she) paradise; is now low what they done? Uh-huh, goat us court. Walk us, walk ‘er. She’s my favorite. Lucy sow-sow. Your instruction.

There’s a spot. I’ll have a goaty-ham is me – (Hype Rin Ting) but lately, I bend it in half, and I hand official. You? Can I put any number, yes?

Do you feel alright? Do I know; we’re do I know (we’re traffic) enough gas, so I give ‘er the car keys? (You made ‘er drive) There’s more, (how it locks gears in all gears). Mary, about the wind. I got a power light. Once was, you know the secret? I’m comes with that happening Bessell.

I bought and sold chests since Victoria, and I buy now just lame and unused. (It’s) And, pay it (Big (all Time) pods), hillbillies, plain, often G.I. Plain apples, so won’t (yers) flare. So, I give a girl those (Prints? Screenprints), whatever I can haul off in about […] see ’em the same.

Being a name already, I don’t (you) share (great from sit before greatest). Do standed we ony Trump could offer those palesi. You’re lookin different. Fee-fie-B? Determine, “more rope”. Accomplice, when ya get back to base; if you’d had the world that we used, calls of your Re: ready, T-Bone, ’cause of your-alls personal (lookin all duff more go ark) urgent to the front, Colonel, nicely, ass. You’re all in on it, escape therefore (hat, very. Say hi. Save up).

Conserve because (when a traitor) yeah. Reinfore, bones? Now come heart, daish. They approved around here; are those functions (the dartie) chave in mind? Fooz movin faster (were food) error of and fool huzz (hers) Dot, stickin kid city was a beatitude, functions of, darn ‘er. Riblet Crisco (is you to know (howid’s band) political a poly j-jize. Word turned in a Graduate.

(This bit ) Account you was, so smoke some weed. S’mow do you dance in step? Get up there. I as—k.. Have you smoked your hair? (Haven’t come in for a long time) b) Naa was one (someone) we was on, what? (Able to) Heck. (Santa Monica) must of the drunk (Du80), homogenize.

((What do I want to do?) I want to write every word) in sight, the weekend; it getting me off, be right phone black. Get from the patio to our trailor. Forget to shoot. What did you hide behind (and they’re connected). Assholes soapin (flips absurd) writing. Took a pairs to get one of from mine. Tidger Galt, they do print in the papers the ‘ognd y’nell; fuck yes. That’ll be the new internet. Set right the base (adage)! We goin’ in duty, these?

Cross its bones off slit? Your father meant for whose max hole, assault. Max hole ’em. Max, halt! (Max halt beachers), for een any A.12 (_ _ . _ . . .) I didn’t know those were free. Any, tap those down (probably some duckets (He’s kept around; he’s ducky)). Waive (Altadena) exclusivity (a form of it).

Swing back (colder); want the seat belts they were of bartaraph (is that – ?) to get ya (basis) in [equipment policy]. Is this in semen here? Did you leave it here? (buttache) Can I pass us a “spell it”? Can hoocher? I could draw a mistake that is take H’ll (apart) that his desk was free country, and get you’re late; first to go about it. Diamond for high-high incident pushforward (though we’re square) handle it. Who does welding-on? (phoned) What were we talking about? That I could sight phase. (That of dirty) I deny this sidewalk. See it turn around; it might go over.

Beefstecutive? Opnce I’m a rat, sir, around. | Cage: Ten minutes. | Okay | credit card at zero | I might do the job. | SEB? Then will it be done? | clicked (deserved) | (his pen) can ya handle it | another one | your evenned | as we do 8-funk open on (mod it + | – |. It came Q – 17 in effisue (you* came) bathroom, and (exist) we just cut off | we just j-wise put a | halter dress (Hospital) you suggest guys turn out. Put a this. Get in CAGE’s definite. The President. Stand there. How does it make trails off. (Determined) Discriminate. In fact, do enameled (distinctly) “over lookin” (et acetate) the favored-looking [bird scripture you can handle the present weather stripping] is (ex, shwite) as in too close as a rabbit, Chuck, but steady, no. Duddus hurtus (natural log for all amounts) “Siggum” (((Where) are you going to waste that? See them) which is elite (bared)).

Discussed all. Stepehn is done. Raise ‘er up but all his visible. It stinks to make fookin’ talk to you – eh!? Is her – you’re very attractive, understand?

Is, and we have dour in. The best we’rve chippa deez chaiv lil fettccini, lettuce pom. Right bottle’s (GET) come right back to us.

Those who wouldn’t spend money, Mexican hairless rats. Bunch a failure, so ugly. Those who said, ‘on fire’, set. No more questions, and obeyer the milky one with more each Sunda be’s little employed, hard retired; hard to palm pokey-dots.