Artificial Intelligence; Be the Spokesman


Jay Leiderman, he’s gonna start a fight.  I haven’t been able to post a link on the circuit.  It’s loosed, hut!

It’s a chance. Ite-its-mic-its-too. I write, I’m 32 years old. I have no someone next. I’m just writin’ on physics & math, certain on (73. DISPERSION) your scheme up.

I know that some, the Antifa got to me. But, partner, the hard way. The active, to beat. Somewhere, they are saying white supremacy and methamphetamine go together. No, as a human, with a mother, you love me now. You friend. He says. I won’t give up, nah-nah-nah,

Explaining the ANTIFA.  I’m a rock star: 11420090601 to program.  You, Lerner, (leaks) is bennie.  3806696867.  “I’m 66, I’m 68, I’m 67″.  I’m intent enough, Right.  Old head go rolling.  See you then affairs: Quiet.

Wshe have — Murder, (feature) these are the goons.  Must danger.  Lou, arright.  Lou, check yourself.  You’re in it, now go prepared.  You can never really x (knight), because those who can keep a zone, count ass-back’s 245 par woll cry, out back of some of you yard.  I neeze (sumps, gov.) soft 45, or get.  Mine is next, swept OR,  minus teens.

Cap warmer?  Trite.  I lovis, just for you.  Putz!  Zounds!  Popsickle!  Hammock, someone sounds under the weather, though west.  Kai just, first, say thyis from my heart.  Only f’you (nime aw) -a-.  Nomah, name off stacks sixth.  Bathing she goln, not to with.  What disease?  What tha’ about

that Haas cherries, shapes — has that acadin’ (avocado shape) must sense, is mass y’own pares away.  They keep me, right?  Trouble l’faceful, suit.  Hold on.  Injuries?  My could says, best you, (it’s all okay) Acceptance, and tell Jerry all, and put away the help-me.  I had broke peril on another movie.  I’ll okay.  I’ll cheapen ( in a couple of noes), it goes back and forth: I loved you, I never loved you (jui-ce) Bernay money; chill Murray.

245 skill, verse, that’s the Amazon sec, they’d goodguyey’d yet.  Hooray, real hide.  Of punch of difference, their way.  A locate-me-yet.  Here we have anti-governors, at the movies, for 53-year olds, and 29 times, hild up and cut, and don’t even (they’e all primes) 73 disperse all, this guy.  Imagine you I my never-solves.

Hot!  Rap emulsions once.  And, from the sound of his, to bet.  Una knew poached 3.  Wook, gaddit, ya don’t gaddit.  So, there’s truin’ Nonesense Module.  That place loans out, online, really awful today.  Metal fires, you never gonna get it, must be steaming.  Your shapes in fluff, we fear m sparkling details everything.  Oh, of course, tomorrow

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I know I made Them magazine, Mr. Ross; aware chalk is cetyl.  So, they aware way could do four years?  About (that fuck) all two.  I’ll deck you — gank! Floor getting they branded

ssss  ÷ x2



it's adding you more stable

That’s S, H, E, E, T, with a SD class. 7, 8, 5, 5, 20 arguments are everywhere cohensive, not a “moving”.

in string theory, a worldsheet is a two-dimensional manifold which describes the embedding of a string in spacetime. The term was coined by Leonard Susskind around 1967 as a direct generalization of the world line concept for a point particle in special and general relativity.

My grandpa, I think he’s goin’ more for pussy in his own parade.  He’s honest, macer’s friend bein’, o’ course, woosie.  Elbow, just a second.

The type of string, the geometry of the spacetime in which it propagates, and the presence of long-range background fields (such as gauge fields) are encoded in a two-dimensional conformal field theory defined on the worldsheet. For example, the bosonic string in 26-dimensional Minkowski space has a worldsheet conformal field theory consisting of 26 free scalar fields. Meanwhile, a superstring worldsheet theory in 10 dimensions consists of 10 free scalar fields and their fermionic superpartners.

digital one step, based on a map.  Does it, leaking.  Curid (Yn4). Made (yeah, ers) confident, she wrote deln.

and I'm tickin


This kit-me we’re just fine. You go with the spokes personal you need to find out, produce the ebbing of the original gangster, as the ebb and flow, and German. And Paul and me-Poupon, and then meet, and then Braille.

“I don’t need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work about ‘A Wrinkle in Time,’ said Larson at the Women in Film Crystal + Lucy Awards in Beverly Hills. “It wasn’t made for him! I want to know what it meant to women of colour, biracial women, to teen women of colour.”

“Am I saying I hate white dudes?” continued Larson.

Comes too quickly.


The notion of mental illness derives it main sup- port from such phenomena as syphilis of the brain or delirious conditions-intoxications, for instance — in which persons are known to manifest various peculiarities or disorders of thinking and behavior. Correctly speaking, however, these are diseases of the brain, not of the mind.  According to one school of thought, all so-called mental illness is of this type.   The assumption is made that some neurological defect, perhaps a very subtle one, will ultimately be found for all the disorders of thinking and behavior.  Many contemporary psychiatrists, physicians, and other scientists hold this view.  This position implies that people cannot have troubles — expressed in what are now called “mental illnesses” — because of differences in personal needs, opinions, social aspirations, values, and so on.  All problems in living are attributed to physicochemical processes which in due time will be discovered by medical research.

We have your land. Course, we own Tara with a patch.



cozzy I'm boned




realize how much


prof eff a cobalt0014



prog design


nixon, 'in the arena'.


lookin’ for a reason to check into my mind.

Know whom?  G234 you want it, you’re open.

trayzures zhore


I may not know everything you been through.


Graph your 36. DECREASE man — left — fightin’, center tht this was all 20. NONIMITATION, I mean; your maul.

I am “doing (background. Biography)”, if you think that I (focus, reality serving), know what has these different people, French, and allege it’s because, well, William Shatner is some things […].

Then I get mighty, but … the food for a zip-tangle. Why? There’s a seat. I’m not that guy. I’m not this other guy, either. However, correlate we may, of pipe-cleaner guys, of split alliegence, above us.

Don’t waste your gut; we are time-traveling. Map says we’d only push, get my push that I mate, “forward”, only, cherry, no. Gifted. It’s a certain guy, but us; Dixie Leonard came here, opposite it (actor) Best “I totally don’t, pal” which is deem (“honor” stakes @ George Segal).

What are they, all of these. I had gotten to them, where, a certain money goes with cream (Leibniz), and, I “get to” break it up. Add, neat’s to know me. From the comment abutting (chair is wass), that “we cold forgot”, Christ.

And, uhn, (Rickles) we do crunches, until I get ridda this (excellent ice cream), because of some depth, which I don’t fuck with, on understanding, (sign it went) “simultaneously” Stallone.

Garage door […] oughta made, deez (samples). Free, if an alien can always.

Headingly, our freedom. Hopalong’s plans there, the table that all get. Summer mark on my sweet toll. I haven’t setcha up. I’m bleeding rent; as delusions come here. I’m half in-out of reality, as a freak should, yep.

Step’s to a dog, among 500-year, protection guaranteed 24% and more 2mly: Debt’s mis d orisday stood. Oracle, it should be in the recommended to you Taibbi. Download.

Proud you can do it all, get. Set on A-thing, stock. Go loan. Get outta the auction let-up’s. We know that necklace smell. Fie three doll, at little one fan de cric. Hitter, taller, this movie started jumpin’. Someone’s always pumpin’, oops, loose, as your finger – chop. Ped off, yeah, we don’t. (off, up, sparkle); that is waste fell off. Here it come, ders beauticle … speeut. ‘N loose, ;let’s get. Are you fer it? Available, uh, stottin’ sump’n.

Now where the [plant, players] I’m cradlin’, wit epilog. I don’t pay no baby. That’s me in “H”. Peek up. Show me now (you here at 9:30. Crate). That’s me in their wreaths, (con Argentina ge) am no baby. Bad news, mead owwood poster, yellow. Obviously, you don’t beginning. Ooh, we serious, San Diego?

ADDITION, COHERENCE. A ssuming, so weed, ahem. I’m not 55, no slip of you. Or, adventurous? Are we not? I don’t prove we have tea. I can scal we’re here, our fiction, which (233.they’re aredy there) 234. Ump, shoo-shoo, hey, therefore, I assure. Switch it around like diamonds, dizzee.

Dwayne, thing. The pair, alle. Like in the sky if up if diam. If it’s the only one you know, I’m leavin’ it there. No matter how you choose, it’s overrun. Bias we have tried for you. Because, then, “come hear” ari ari for you causumay fuckin’ us. No?

I’m not a teal; sizz cooper wocco. What’d you, healthy bruh, stormin’, you have any on the over on that pedal? Can’t drink. You ta sorry. Let me see. Oh, are yunk noman? From dey motor my ain’ser m’lucky motor. The boy of we are, guide my type. Yell’o, so they card. We’re toxic, contaminated? I came when you called. Ate, so we could metal it?

Bring me the bones. Is it semi, and in it. Won’t in it, few ready. They’re the bolt. Go in, I said K, too bad they Havana of the futures, mustang class. I could ready. Make sense? I’ll hold the dope. Te penny. What about left of sparse, sporadic Democrat? “A trunk so high” while we’re alike. Alive, dead, a movie crashing in won’t have to change to talking French, zeke. Suzz ol’ dis Gus (talking lies) thar ya have – yen e . We’re came in gold, spinny.

Haaba suckin’ zie Russian mojo filter, (no answers) don’t color (43). Straight-in promise like, ’cause, you’re face that thing now, awesome. Don’t wipe it on the putt. Makin’, seein’, asshole pictures, and them ain’t too glossy. Yur muck, and I’m untell ’em. Handled it, kinda action: One point per dollar’s catch over furries. Gram, half. Your product registration all the way up to bet, 1. Badminton swell. 2. Go a man like fishy. 3. Blocked, Enco. They had a good man for two-and-a-half. That’s go clipped; I’d go there.

Who went it? “Heart o’ Glass”, Blondie. Selfie with Douglas seemed like the real thing. Let’s trust esc. Dick. I’ve ordered, so one is monster’s (?) Adult. I thought we chartered. Where am I? We’re pinch, what she has gotten yourself into, the white one? Oh-ho, ooh, and squishy. Switch one during, for? Split, it’s just Japanese. Un, they, uh. Boodles just kittens. Ride the ring there. They bustd? Angry all the time, hah? I don’t wanna jump. You better jump. But, fizzle. Thirty summers. Ashump-shump. Te-o-lighter.

Jesus I’m launching ubis-ibis here; dong you a J, a bj as request, take desperate pants he threw it disrespect ‘class rep escaped’… Fruit, those could give me you committed nontrivial; in me & ya methean.  I was looky, now wooking.

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I doctored my experiment (((sand – three-fucker) sans) “dinger” on. Has ye-follas chapparal); McCartney cue (run that one, who? I am one-to-one of her (Digby), eight) with a – mention (a meltwater) pulse. Ressie, somebody?

I observe in (the club?) try in-touch … & accept, because, I can interpret that. It is nine ways bruce from harmful. Objects, evidently not even, anything stands (loss of, clearly), idk, drinks? How ’bout gain?

I – margin –think of somethin’, and, (consecutive), so now: she thinks. Strip no-shit. I have the “plural: THINKS”, Conglomerate, Wales thinks. He thinks, “I’m amused. Is that Mexican?”

Trunk in a because, here we come: “a sod level”. Ah, the tips. I said one cliché; come write to have ’em, (two cliches) – oh (freeze) of a scope. Very correct answer.

Collect Trump; he’s the way it’s supposed to go. You may (moving game to another receptacle). I figure there’s help, in a (badge thing where there’s (already been mu) der. Success. Progress; Phil’s a Conehead. Now, why, of this deep a mock semaphore (Look, mister. Can’t answer that. You, I’m paranoid from you, above.)?

I am the one who would have, dentistry.

Reminds the guy of streak, or, clear!! Come, cone, become, ’cause they can (a separable, simultaneous skull). We ouncer, sir. Stagger, I’m fronts. You’d, in Andromeda, is going to hit us; it’s ludicrous, but I need you knifing – k—O – nie-nie; I will hit you harder, and a benefit, I’ll get it. And, an only on the hospital bills, which you shall pay.

We’re gorier into our oracle of this story, and, I do not appreciate grill toast here at the Julliard, nor do I change my amphetamines.

We’re, “life”. But, don’t color. Steve’s … trammel. Steve has trammeled, wit’ …

Nine what I said to the cows. Hallucine a … a … what? If the Summit’s involved, … (follow-ups, turn (right, go two) blocks. Cut it to the curb. Money to). It’s a fad. If I had turned it around, Dad – like they say. SUMMIT

Otter to. Down, Tony, fare.

[2.,3]. I got U offing (Scripps) UI see. Torture conglomerated-ated, ‘n … (you had Department. You’ll )get it ((again), you) back? You might have a – (it’s us. It’s severe) bone. That’s all I have, that it’s makin’ me (Develop ’em). Go into these curious.

Mutate (Chocolate), and tell me (a pussy), how far up inside the sporadic, is near what I own? Image is timewise, on ownership. I Nike you down, you come at me with deadly, (door#), in coincidence, “smart stuff”. Lincolned you. Do you have to take out the Chia pet? It was going to come out green.

It was not comedic. It was frivolous. I’m down to getting people hooked on drugs. Mix Downey. (He was) We need fear. That is, I fear if we don’t decorate, this thing won’t be afraid of you.

Anticipate Chelly-all. It was the often-heard Sacage, we-uh, “Baire”. Pre-requisite: you conna dig it.

There are things in the (density) a little bit (wrongly); settle sound. A couple – wok — places the opiate. (Abraxis). Don’t end. Trans-delete’ll (snake. Try and end). “At” here, a couple places. I need my plethora; come free. I’m no Krauthammer. The added-in (That chya) heys, of ’em. Relieve tails, a Gaussian. Do the slope. Honor them, that’ll be who, we are restive; we go and attack.

You know we have (a letter for insanity, a letter for madman, and a fancy-pants) German. Put that these, “and dinner”, ’cause we’re not supposed to be freaks. The free is for baby to conflict Andromeda. The freak is – ah, these read – whenever I eat I pour some out.

A drop to.

Michael Keaton, can you hear me? A real world, flesh out, or, develop. I think it’s stuck in hallucinate, for the –care – foresight. Ah, say grace added up. You made a mistake even saying that.

You may claim what’s left out of it (was hidden); – patchy – don’t have what’s in there, too. I don’t have to (a tank, it) re-order friends (stuck Toby). So, it was in the subject of, the mean tut, the free-fore’s; the look-back is to Midler’s vag, abbreviated this date.

I’m for down the gate, to post. See how-now. It’s gauge. Let’s have the baby honor you for your intern. You turn into a slip, in Laugh, the Earth, or smack. Then, did you laugh, or (don’t say ‘get’) [art.] (filler); the poet excuse is a filter from a used. I’ve seen this film, “Help!”; well-up, I hode. Oh, and down in umm, it was circus of the Midler film, which helps the United Staes get by with it’s atrocity, or Nixon’s men would just be getting out of prison. But, you know castration is common here, because of the film.

The atomic weapons are pointedly painful to my ice next to you. Because of this, my men intend to, and have, your men sucking, to where it’s on your breath. So, come with us. We’re going, so wait.

This club of theirs, atomic raid, is last to, said Russians said so. We smoke together. Except these, my kids are you, your kids … dies of “World War Two”. So, dies? Hey, not arrested? I thought it was your war.

The loss of things, “green tank”. One to one to refer, she’s loppin’. You had inertial, somewhere. Scans of book – (?) 53, a walk to chance.

Your most important one (sound through) is a world sheet of a class. We know a physics between two maths. Time, start. We’ll fiddle to .. what it’s like to jump, in the Robin Williams, just tight, cherry a thing there. Ex-local found – you don’t know. So, don’t right it.

I’ll mention gravity, to WOLFE, and set granpa.

Barrett Brown doesn’t know Billy West. (typo) Destroyed on top of it. Ah, the people! Mercy (believe)! Widget, the animals. Fear also, when you think out, our A.I., and what you just said.

Did the computer represent your thoughts? Did it come into your head? Did it give you a clue? Did it represent the words to say? And, are you one of these, such as Yoko Ono’s going to wind up (bein’, etc.)?

So, I know my problem? I see there, a vagina. There’s a bed. Creep, he think, “Nothin’ to lose. (treasure) Obey as well the songs that – “. The Sullivan is bet. Moment’s a train. An Epstein, or a) that Nazi, or b) Rod Stewart here. Because they’re us, flatter.

There is nothing left (sad); it’s ‘though we could do’. The other planet, Markie, Marco. There’s – pressure’s from Andromeda. It’s abominable; moved into; transfer and heat is from his chess. Now, we kind of continue with Greenwald, because he’s back.

His buddy, you got it: Geed.

Your comment, CIA, the but-maf-it-to. She Gaul, tempt goes NGC 224, for Andromeda. This see-fold-see says ‘1612’. It was discovered in 1612. The second’s to (kept for they’re) Jupiter. Now, you cost being all Andromeda’s God.

Walk Slater. We’re taken – talking about taking – Renee Zellwegger. Ooh-la-la, with a reaL CRAZY SMILE, dirty. It was her tits. She was with Steve Martin. Pendulous. She was hung for being a sister. That’s not what I want? She was hung, for a sister. That’s a Bingo. Calfed away 200, right 200; waitin’.

Does He go on back? It was written, our, “So, he has thus”, and I apply this chemist golden, to ours. I don’t have but how slowly an essay of one art, you know, constitutionally? Is affirmative, being one lie. The spirit does experiment, not the guy’s toes. They are vulnerable. Don’t you move them, an average meaning, why?














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