Bill Gates Is an Asshole

I have to post online because I have no word processing program. I only paid $150 for Windows Vista. But, Microsoft, which to me is Bill Gates, now says it will “soon” give away some word processor program. It just won’t stop rich ppl from being assholes. I like a lot of them. I like them all.

start of whack

‘A Study of Our Decline’
E-mail the author at

I clicked on something that stated that someone predicted that the next place to be bombed with a nuke would be Tel Aviv.

I do not see that prediction in this essay.

I like the part about leisure. The whole essay comes off somewhat amusing, mostly because the layout of a person’s life makes it possible to make them angry.

I am not making you angry. I am probably typing into a dead link. I have that problem of young ppl teasing me. I was born in 1952.

American hotels were bombed today in Jakarta. I do not rush to get on the internet just because of that; I’d be on it anyway. Whatever news events happen, I use the link to the date, or a name, to see if there is anything clairvoyant in my posts of that day or with that name. In this case, I posted a picture of a meth lab fd in Jakarta in 2005.

This morning, I am interested in codes; mostly, what if random letters and numbers do not encode any information? When do you stop decoding? Is there any difference between two kinds of random, like, suppose the encoder were unknown. Could you find out who they were, or where they were, or when they wrote? If you know what type of information’s encoded, can you decode it more easily, like, is it orders? Is it coordinates? If they use the word “like”, after a comma, are they hippies? Can a computer find them?

Do you write different if you are tired? Can a decoding program tell? Can a force take over your mind while you write? Can we decode what you write to reveal the statements of this force? Can events following the writing influence the writing? Can you take today’s date and multiply something times it and have that equal another date? Whenever you read out a date, what does it mean?

Today’s date is July 17, 2009. It is hard to encode letters to read out other letters within the narrow deal of them being another set of letters. Well, in that system. I mean, July times x equals August. What’s x?

Pi R square. No, cornbread R square. Pi R round.

We have a system of months, we have a system of words. We rearrange letters, but we multiply numbers, because that system is closed, and always gives out an answer in the same system.

I found a suicide note from Hunter Thompson to go with my post

[ 32nd line down, see “force”; the virial thm (Wiki) refers to force or energy and can be used independent of a scale, as in statistical mechanics. Used in the discovery of dark matter. 8-2-09, 1:14 pm]

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